CindyLove has successfully convinced me that this isn't all that bad. I think the images for these listings MUST be decent so that those of us that don't want to see this stuff on here don't have to. That way no one will have a problem with it being on the homepage of the road. So, VENDORS listen up - if you're selling porn or any of this related adult material change your pictures to something that is not vulgar and will not be taken in a bad way by anyone. If you guys do this no one will complain and nobody will request for ALL the listings to be removed from the homepage all together. You'll only be doing yourselves a favor by doing this because if you don't, people will keep going on about it UNTIL something IS done!By the way - I design default product listing images that are VERY attractive, professional and will attract the attention of ANY customer when it's displayed on the homepage of the road. Check it out - http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/ca9485be43The Godfather